Different Types of Dental Bridges

different types of dental bridges

Different Types of Dental Bridges

By Green Valley Smile Care

Sacrifice the remaining teeth might come in with a series of discomforts, both in physical and mental aspects. With chewing you are forced to swallow whole mouthfuls of food, your speech is not as clear and last but not least the high dose of lack of confidence that will come with it. On the bright side, contemporary dental care presents a number of possible solutions, and the most popular option currently is the dental bridge. However, you probably do not know that among all bridges just one prevails. Yes, the answer is correct, that means, you have a choice that you can pick from, wherein each choice has advantages and factors to be considered. So let’s move on and explore the amazing types of dental bridges that will help to bring your lovely-smile back.

The Traditional Dental Bridges

The dental bridge procedure may include the grinding of healthy teeth or the placement of strong materials near the gum line, which can cause damage to the surrounding tissue.

Dental bridges in Henderson

If someone conjures up the original dental bridge, then you guessed correctly; this one is the workhorse of the whole process. It is composed of 2 crowns – the ones to support its exploration – to which artificial teeth or pontics are fused in between. These crowns are then glued onto teeth, which are healthy and situated on either side of the gap, and they thus support the bridge in a correct position. In the age of traditional braces, it is very resistant and it is also durable. Therefore, there are the best candidates, missing one or two teeth, in areas where the crunch is needed as you can chew more.

The Solo Act: The Cantilever Bridges

Cantilever Dental Bridges

What if it so happens that you have only got one tooth next to the gap to remain healthy and functional? Sorry, cantilever will not worry you, its ready duty lies! This cantilever bridge is almost the same as the conventional bridge, but it uses one crown only on one side to support the upright. Imagine that it is like a bridge over an abyss coming out from the edge of a cliff. That’s why it is called a cantilever. However, arc holds are not quite as sturdy as the most often used ones. Usually their surfaces are smooth and they are used for front teeth, where appearance is one the most important features, and the action force is much lesser.

The Conservative Choice: Maryland Mature Bridges

Maryland Mature Dental Bridges

Here, if you are not up for an invasive procedure, we got you. The possible solution might not be farther away…It is the one you have always been looking for and it is called the Maryland bridge. This bridge inserts the use of a metal or ceramic configuration that is attached to the back of the adjacent teeth on both sides of the gap so that crowns being not required. This, in turn, proves that it is a good option for those who wish to avert toothpages larger dentitions that are at a minimum. Maryland bridges have their peculiar way of being bonded and not unsuitable for the front teeth, while for the biting tough areas that are prone to heavy chewing they may not be ideal.

The Modern Marvel: Implant-Supported Arrangement

Implant-Supported Dental Bridges

One of the fundamental cornerstones of the dental implant revolution is implant-supported bridges, demonstrating the incredible innovation in dentistry. This technique is a form of bridge where instead of extending to crowns on the natural teeth, implants are put in as its support. Implants are placed in your jawbone through a surgery process, which works in a similar way as a usual tooth root. The bridge now is then placed to the implants, newly attached, that insure its stability and explosion of appearance. More precisely, these implants provide the bridge with topmost functionality and a very natural look. Implants are used to support bridges for replacing multiple consecutive lost teeth. In areas where chewing is a significant process, they can be a permanent solution.

Choosing the Right Bridge: A discussion with your dental practitioner

Let’s just say there’s a bridge for every type of traveller. The solution may depend on your number and location of missing teeth to the overall health of the surrounding ones in addition to whether there is any occlusion as well as personal preferences and the expanse of your budget. Talking about these elements with your dentist is highly relevant so that you get a better idea before you jump into any decision. They will do an oral examination of your teeth, X-ray to be taken, and tell you the good and bad things that are involved in each type of bridge.

Beyond the Bridge:

Your responsibility doesn’t end with getting your new smile, you need to be committed to caring for it. Be aware regardless of which one you choose, mouth plaque removal is the ace up its sleeve and will make the difference between success and failure. Scrubbing twice every day, cleaning the spaces between the teeth each day, and regular dental visits will make sure that you keep your bridge, and to top it off the surrounding teeth healthy. Additionally, the types of bridges used might influence your oral hygienist to specify some cleaning techniques to reach all areas of the teeth.

Smiling with Confidence:

The lesson here couldn’t be any clearer: whatever size business conditions will find a way to hit us and it’s only through understanding and adapting that we will succeed. You shouldn’t have to be ashamed of your missing teeth and that means still getting the smile of your dreams. Dental bridges that can help restore the function and attractiveness of a smile is what dental bridges offer. One of the important things that you need to know before selecting the bridge is to find out about different bridge types so that you can then have a conversation with your dentist to arrive at the right choice, suited precisely to your needs. As bridge may be the key to regaining your confidence and appreciating the simple joys of being free from the pain, a beautiful smile is with no doubt.

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